By Dr Lonny Ness
The APA “bible” for many doctoral-granting institutions and learners is the APA Style Manual. I recall when I first started my doctoral journey that I could not spell “APA”, but it quickly grew on me. Unfortunately, just when I got accustomed to Version 5, version 6 was released and I needed to catch-up on all the nuances and style differences, such as double-spacing, use of numbers as units of measure, use of “et al.” for references and citations, based on the number of authors, DOI versus “Retrieved from”, and others. Understanding and applying these changes was quite an undertaking - especially for universities who needed to update their writing guidelines, but worth the effort as with each iteration, APA makes writing simpler and more concise (as needed for academic writing).
History does repeat itself as Version 7 has been released and university staff, faculty, and students will once again need to decipher and apply the changes. Fortunately, the good folks at Faculty Focus have done much of the heavy lifting for us. Here are a few of the highlighted changes in the report:
- Running heads are no longer required
- Use a single-space after a period
- Citations with more than two authors may use et al. for the first citation
- References may include up to 20 authors before using et al. for the remaining (formerly 7)
- Omit publisher location for book references

Another good source for understanding the APA Version 7 changes is, who provides these additional points:
- Inclusive and Bias-Free Language (esp. gender-neutral pronouns and descriptive phrases)
Finally, as the final authority on all things APA, the website provides a plethora of blog posts and other materials to help understand and apply the Version 7 changes. One interesting discussion is regarding the use of short URLs in the reference. Check it out! The blog can be located at
I trust that this has been helpful to you as it has been for me. Need help with APA formatting, writing, or editing?
Let us help you either as an editor and/or writing coach as part of the dissertation coaching service.
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